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Showing 71-80 of 1559 search results
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    DocMap is a web based documentation tool for navigating through the shipboard governing documentation. It offers full compliance with rules and regulations required by shipping industry or any other international / national regulatory bodes.  All company Manuals
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    ISF/ Marlins English Language Test

    Ship owners as a rule like to employ staff who are competent in English. Without doubt English is the lingua-franca of the maritime world. Though Indian officers by and large have good knowledge of the English language, we find that some of our ratings are
  • Course | Updated

    Bridge and Engine Room Resource Management Course (BERM)

    The Maritime industry has been aware that 'Human Error' is the major factor in maritime accidents and appreciates the need for 'Resource Management' training for improving safety and efficiency on board. This course focuses on the development of human resources
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    Commercial Aspects of Ship Operation (CASO)

    Shipping is a business and the 'management team' on board plays a pivotal part in making it profitable. The competency requirements being mainly focused on technical skills, the commercial aspects are a gray area for many on board. The course gives the participants
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    Marine Environment Protection Training - MARPOL / OPA 90 - IMO Model 1.38 (MEPO)

    The world today is witnessing a rapid environmental degradation. In present times, with the alarming rise of marine pollution and its impact on the globe, the maritime industry has come under closer scrutiny. Each pollution incident brings about harsher regulatory
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    Risk Management and Incident investigation Course

    In a hazardous work environment, management of operational risks is an absolute necessity for preventing accidents and incidents. An accurate risk assessment serves as a dependable decision support system, by which the ship’s staff can handle hazardous situations
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    Safety Management Systems Course (SMGT)

    Effective implementation of the Company’s Safety Management System on board is at the core of ISM Code compliance. This course provides the participants a thorough understanding of the S.M.S., with special emphasis on operational procedures, ‘continual improvement’
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    Shipboard Safety Officer Course (SBSO)

    Safety on board ships has come a long way in reducing accidents, but there is still a lot of scope to improve safety. Most of the accidents at sea are due to Human Error. Human error can be reduced by proper training and motivation. Accidents mainly happen
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    Maritime Resource Management – Simulator Based Course (MRM-SIM)

    Safety of life and property at sea, protection of the marine environment, and efficiency of Vessel operations, are the common goals shared by all Vessel owners and operators. Against this backdrop, an appreciation of the ‘Human Elements’ and performance of
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    Hazardous Material Carriage Course (HAZA)

    Increase awareness of dangers involved in carriage of dangerous goods and preventive measures that can be adopted for safeguarding the vessel and its crew in case of an eventuality Course Objective: To create an awareness of the dangers involved in carriage
  • KLÜBEROIL GEM 1-68 N 200 LTR


  • KLÜBERBIO LM2-22 200 LTR

  • KLÜBERPLEX BEM 41-132 25 KG



  • KLÜBERBIO LG 39-700 N 25 KG

  • KLÜBEROIL GEM 1-100 N 200 LTR

  • KLÜBERBIO BM 32-142 25 KG

  • KLÜBERBIO RM 2-150 200 LTR