Are you compliant with ballast water quality standards?
Accession by Finland triggered ratification of The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM 2004 Convention) and the Regulation will enter into force on 8th September 2017. But how do you test if your ballast water treatment system is performing according to the regulations?

The Ballast Water Test Kit range is designed to be used on the ship for routine indicative/operational testing and to support or supplement 3rd party laboratory verification analysis dependent on flag state or customer requirements.
What do the regulations say about treatment and discharge of ballast water?
IMO/USCG Ballast Water Performance Standard D2 states that all treated and discharged ballast water should adhere to the following measurements:

What do the regulations say about testing of ballast water?
- Research shows a relationship between measurement of algae by fluorometry and organisms in the 10-50um size class. Ref. Bradie, J. 2016. METEOR Voyage M116/2: Report on performance of ballast water collection and analysis devices. Prepared for BSH (German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency): 130 pages. View report.
- IMO BWM.2/circ.42/Rev.1-28th May 2015 recommends various technologies for rapid, indicative compliance testing. This rapid fluorometry technologies. View circular.
- USCG are reviewing fluorometry technologies for rapid compliance testing
In addition, on board test kits for E Coli and Enterococci bacteria are available and commonly used on drinking water – these can also be used for ballast water testing.
Introducing solutions to test and monitor the compliance of ballast water discharge
NEW! Ballast-Check 2TM: Designed to measure algae of size class 10– 50um

- Requires no chemical reagents
- Provides rapid, indicative analysis of the abundance and activity of algae in ballast water samples
- Enables ship operators to quickly assess the risk of non-compliance of treated ballast water
- The solution can also help to indicate the performance of your ballast water treatment system
- Our test kits are modular – so you can select the parameters you require
See more details about Ballast-Check 2TM
Potable Water Test Kit: Testing for E Coli & Enterococci bacteria

- Base kit includes test for E Coli bacteria
- Enterococci bacteria test can be added
- Includes sturdy, multi voltage, temperature controlled incubator for consistent culturing of bacteria tests
- Includes instruction manual and training video for your crew
- Robust case is designed to add other test equipment
- Total bacteria
- Free Chlorine
- pH
- Salinity
Wilhelmsen insights
Managing Ballast Water discharge in compliance within the International Convention
Accession by Finland triggered ratification of The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM 2004 Convention). It will enter into force on 8th September 2017, marking a landmark step towards halting the spread of invasive aquatic species which can cause havoc for local ecosystems, affect biodiversity and lead to substantial economic loss.
Wilhelmsen insights |
Rune Nygaard , Business Director Technical Water Solutions