Waste and recycling

The sustainability of the ocean is a subject close to our heart.

Our onboard waste management processes are in compliance with the Convention for Prevention of Marine Pollution (MARPOL), Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC) and The International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness (OPRC). We aim to reduce our non-recyclable consumption and increase our recycling initiatives beyond industry standards.


Target 2020 

Result 2020 

Target 2021 


Measure plastics footprint and define targets and activities based on this.

Incomplete.  Strategic alignment and consolidation framework required.

  1. Implement a common waste reporting framework and system.
  2. Establish appropriate targets to direct activities within the company, guided by circularity principles.

Promote responsible consumption and recycling programs onboard and onshore.


We held campaigns to raise awareness on responsible consumption of plastic onboard and onshore. We have provided steel water bottles to seafarers on our managed vessels and silicone cups for employees on shore as alternative to plastic water bottles.


Continue to progress in distributing steel water bottles on our managed vessels and promote recycling campaigns onboard. 

96 vessels have been supplied with steel water bottles to reduce single-use plastic water bottles onboard. To avoid carbon miles, we restricted distribution of the steel bottles at key distribution locations where our vessels call most frequently. Campaigns were launched to promote drinking from water dispensers onboard. We have begun a benchmarking exercise to reduce the volume of plastic bottles procured per vessel. These are management-driven approaches to drive consistent messages to all stakeholders.

Onshore employees were given silicone cups as an alternative to plastic bottles so they can carry the collapsible cups with them to takeaway drinks.

In 2021, we will continue the distribution of steel bottles to vessels which have yet to make their collection.

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