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Showing 1-10 of 1488 search results
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    European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) Management

    Shipping entered the European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) in January 2024. We stand ready to support shipowners and charterers in navigating and fulfilling all compliance obligations related to EU ETS management. The recently released European Union’s

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    VA photo

    Vessel Accounting

    We leverage on data to achieve potential savings through strategic procurement, maintenance routine, dry dock preparation and optimal crewing strategy. It is our priority to deliver our defined performance level with full transparency in your vessel cost position

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    1600 X 900 - Suez canal map thumbnail new

    Suez Canal Rebates Map

    Want to keep updated with the latest information on Suez Canal's various toll rebates schemes? Explore our interactive map to find out the specific rebates and routes for each toll rebate scheme based on vessel type. Get in touch with our agent today to apply

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    1600x900 Panama

    Panama Crew Change Requirements

    Last updated: 5 January 2021 Crew Change Banner with arrow.jpg Gated content - Panama crew change flyer

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    Brazil Agent 2

    Brazil Crew Change Requirements

    Ports: Amazonas, Bahia, Belém and Vila do Conde, Fortaleza and Pecem, Paraíba, Paranagua, Pernambuco, Rio de Janerio, Rio Grande do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Santos, Sao Luis, São Sebastião and Vitoria. || Last updated: 5 February 2021 1600

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    Gibraltar Agent

    Gibraltar Crew Change Requirements

    Last updated: 2 June 2020 Crew Change Banner with arrow.jpg Gated content - Gibraltar crew change flyer

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    Singapore Crew Change Requirements

    updated: 6 October 2021 1600 x 900 Crew Change Poster - arrow.jpg Gated content - Singapore crew change flyer Other References Singapore Crew Change Guidebook - 2 June 2020.pdf Port Marine Circulars No. 027 OF 2020 (PMC 27) Port Marine Circulars No. 026 OF 2020

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    1600 x 900 IMO Tank Cleaning Solutions

    IMO2020 Tank Cleaning Solutions

    With the IMO 2020 regulation to reduce sulphur emissions, simply switching to a new fuel is not enough. HFSO creates layers of sludge. Your fuel might be contaminated, pushing emissions above the 0.5% cap. To avoid non-compliance, your tanks must be cleaned

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    VA photo


    ドリルダウン機能ですべてのインボイスを参照 予算と実績の差分を表示 船や船舶理者が費目ごとにコメントや説明を入力できる 責任の所在を明確化し、透明性を確保    スムーズな支払い 当社はセキュリティを確保した通信チャネルに窓口を一化し 、現金の理や支払いのプロセスを合理化しています。また、国際銀行間通信協会(SWIFT) が定めた基準に従うことで、以下を実現します。 業務の拡張性を向上 コンプライアンスや理性を強化 - 明確な監査証跡を記録 世界のどこでも新規取引銀行へフレキシブルに接続   船舶理に戻る

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    VA photo


    我们采用最佳实践, 并完全遵守 (ISAE) 3402国际服务标准。 我们遵循既定的流程,完全自动化,以提供精确的支付。 客户可以随时随地使用网页查看其船舶帐户 vessel fianance screenshot.jpg 每小时更新 透过功能键查看每个发票 显示实和预算成本之间的偏差 业主和船舶经理可以对每项费用作出评论或澄清 负责且透明化   更快速的付款方式 我们使用单一,安全的通信渠道以简化现金管理和付款流程。按照全球银行金融通讯协会的标准,我们能够确保下列项:  提高业务操作的延伸性 提高合规性及操作性





  • DETECTOR NEW GS24-HFC-4000 (SAMON: 37-420 W/SEN027)

  • DETECTOR NEW GSR24-HFC-4000 (SAMON: 37-920 W/SEN027)

  • DETECTOR NEW GS230-HFC-4000 (SAMON: 37-425 W/SEN027)

  • DETECTOR NEW GS24-HFC-4000-ZM (SAMON: 37-420-ZM W/SEN027)

  • DETECTOR NEW GS230-HFC-4000-ZM (SAMON: 37-425-ZM W/SEN027)