Dry Docking

Professionally planned, prepared, and executed dry docking services that are both efficient and predictable.

Dry-docking is one of the most important activity in a vessel's lifecycle. Every vessel is required to dry dock at least once every 5 years. 

We identify objectives by engaging stakeholders, preparing comprehensive specifications and executing the project according to plan. This way, we minimise unplanned expenses and ensure high quality. 

Benefits of having a dedicated dry docking team

Influence with shipyards

  • Improved quotation (cost and time)
  • Priority for dock space
  • Better influence on outcome
  • Single point of contact for shipyards management

Continuous improvement

  • Accumulative knowledge and experience to benefit our clients
  • KPIs
  • Valuable database

Project management competence

  • Developed competence through training and experience
  • Core work is docking by usage of software
  • Digital and prompt reports guaranteed

More resource allocation

  • Optimising vessel managers' and fleet managers' man hours spent in docking preparation
  • Ship staff spend less time / resources in docking preparations

Docking cost reduction for clients

  • Reduced unplanned cost
  • Improved efficiency and accuracy
  • Improved docking management and supervision

Promotes transparency to customers

  • Improved reporting quality and on time
  • Financial, technical and time progress updates
  • Limited software access can be provided to customers

Dry-docking requires extensive preparation and planning so it is better to leave it to experts. If poorly managed, the expenses and time can escalate and important defects may not be identified and corrected.

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