Product information

For mounting on UCT-500 shank in order to prevent backflow of gas and flashback or backfire.


For safety reasons in line with COSWP UK (BCGA CP7), OCIMF SIRE and RIGHTSHIP RISQ requirements, we strongly recommend annual testing of the flashback arrestors, and to replace flashback arrestors every 5 years.


  • Conform to EN 730-1.
  • Sintered flame arresting element (FA) to quench flashback.
  • Non return valve (NV) to prevent reverse flow of gases.


  • Offers higher level of safety protection at the torch, close to welder especially used on long gas hose line on top of the flashback arrestors installed at gas regulator on cylinders.
  • Marking of manufacturing date for OCIMF SIRE / RIGHTSHIP RISQ compliance.

