Suez canal: Frequently used toll rebate schemes
- Rebates granted to Laden or Ballast Dry Bulk Vessels operating between Australian ports and ports at North West Europe (starting from CADIZ port and its Northern ports), shall remain valid till the 30 June 2024 (the Last permissible sailing date from origin port is 30 June 2024).
- Rebates granted to Laden or Ballast Dry Bulk Vessels operating between Mauritanian Ports (and its Southern Ports at West Africa) and ports at the Arabian Gulf, India & its Eastern ports, and the Far East, shall remain valid till the 30 June 2024 (the Last permissible sailing date from origin port is 30 June 2024).
- Laden or Ballast Dry Bulk Vessels operating between Americas’ Eastern ports up to Brazilian ports and Asian ports, shall remain valid till the 30 June 2024 (the Last permissible sailing date from origin port is 30 June 2024).
- Laden or Ballast Dry Bulk Vessels coming from (or heading to) Egyptian ports on the “Red Sea” and heading to (or coming from) the following South-West Africa areas shall be granted the following rebate percentages till 30 June 2024:
- Ports at (Ghana – Togo – Benin – Nigeria) shall be granted a rebate of 20% of the Suez Canal normal tolls
- Ports at “Cameroon” and its Southern ports shall be granted a rebate of 45% of the Suez Canal normal tolls
Chemical & Other Liquid Bulk
- Laden or Ballast Chemical & Other Liquid Bulk Tankers coming from (or heading to) “American Gulf” (starting from Miami port and its western ports within the “American Gulf” also ports located southern of the “American Gulf”) and heading to (or coming from) the following areas shall be granted the following rebate percentages till 30 June 2024:
- Ports West of the Indian subcontinent (starting from “Karachi, Pakistan” until Cochin at the west of India) shall be granted a rebate of 25% of the Suez Canal normal tolls
- Ports located East of “Cochin port” until before “Port Klang” shall be granted a rebate of 55% of the Suez Canal normal tolls
- Port Klang and its eastern ports shall be granted a rebate of 75% of the Suez Canal normal tolls
- Laden or Ballast Chemical & Other Liquid Bulk Tankers coming from (or heading to) ports at the “East Coast of North America” (ports located at the North of Miami port) and heading to (or coming from) the following areas shall be granted the following rebate percentages till 30 June 2024:
- Ports located East of “Cochin port” until before “Port Klang” shall be granted a rebate of 25% of the Suez Canal normal tolls
- Port Klang and its eastern ports shall be granted a rebate of 35% of the Suez Canal normal tolls
Petroleum Products
- Laden or Ballast Petroleum Products Tankers coming from (or heading to) US Gulf ports (starting from Miami port and its western ports within the “US Gulf”) and the Caribbean area (Ports located North of San Andres Island- Latitude 12° 34’ 40” N) and heading to (or coming from) the following areas shall be granted the following rebate percentages till 30 June 2024:
- Ports West of the Indian subcontinent (starting from “Karachi, Pakistan” until Cochin at the west of India) shall be granted a rebate of 30% of the Suez Canal normal tolls
- Ports located East of “Cochin port” until before “Port Klang” shall be granted a rebate of 65% of the Suez Canal normal tolls
- Port Klang and its eastern ports shall be granted a rebate of 75% of the Suez Canal normal tolls
- Laden or Ballast Petroleum Products Tankers coming from (or heading to) Latin America ports starting from Colombia (San Andres Island- Latitude 12° 34’ 40” N) and its southern ports and heading to (or coming from) the Asian ports starting from Karachi, Pakistan and its Eastern ports** shall be granted a rebate of 75% of the Suez Canal normal tolls till 30 June 2024.
Crude Oil
- Laden or Ballast Crude Oil Tankers coming from (or heading to) US Gulf ports (starting from Miami port and its western ports within the “US Gulf’) and the Caribbean area (Ports located North of San Andres Island- Latitude 12° 34’ 40” N) and heading to (or coming from) the following areas shall be granted the following rebate percentages till 30 June 2024:
- Arabian Gulf (ports within the Arabian Gulf starting from Sur port, Oman) and its eastern ports until before “Karachi, Pakistan” shall be granted a rebate of 25% of the Suez Canal normal tolls
- Ports West of the Indian subcontinent (starting from “Karachi, Pakistan” until Cochin at the west of India) shall be granted a rebate of 35% of Suez Canal normal tolls
- Ports located East of Cochin port shall be granted a rebate of 75% of Suez Canal normal tolls
- Laden or Ballast Crude Oil Tankers coming from (or heading to) ”Latin America” ports starting Colombia (San Anders Island- Latitude 12°34´40”N) and its southern ports and heading to (or coming from) the Asian ports starting from Karachi, Pakistan and its Eastern ports shall be granted a rebate of 75% of the Suez Canal normal tolls till 30 June 2024.
LNG Carriers 1 - Rebates granted to Laden or Ballast LNG carriers operating between ports at the “East Coast of the Americas and the US Gulf” and Asian ports, shall remain valid till the 30 June 2024 (the Last permissible sailing date from origin port is 30 June 2024).
LPG Carriers 1 - Rebates granted to Laden or Ballast Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) carriers operating between (the East Coast of the Americas & the “US Gulf”) and (India & its Eastern ports), shall remain valid till the 30 June 2024 (the Last permissible sailing date from origin port is 30 June 2024).
- Laden or Ballast Container Ships coming from (or heading to) ”Port of Norfolk” and its northern ports and heading to (or coming from) Port Klang and its Eastern ports shall be granted a rebate of 40% till 30 June 2024.
- Laden or Ballast Container Ships coming from (or heading to) ports at the south of “Port of Norfolk” and heading to (or coming from) the following areas shall be granted the following rebate percentages till 30 June 2024:
- Port Klang and its Eastern ports shall be granted a rebate of 60%.
- “Port of Colombo” and its eastern ports up to “Port Klang” shall be granted a rebate of 50%.
- Laden or Ballast Vehicle Carriers coming from (or heading to) ”Port of Norfolk” and its northern ports and heading to (or coming from) Port Klang and its Eastern ports shall be granted a rebate of 40% from Suez Canal normal transit dues till 30 June 2024.
- Laden or Ballast Vehicle Carriers coming from (or heading to) ports “South to Norfolk port” and heading to (or coming from) Port Klang and its Eastern ports shall be granted a rebate of 55% from Suez Canal normal transit dues till 30 June 2024.
Suez Canal Rebates Map
Navigation Circulars are regularly updated by the SCA, and our 24/7 Transit Desk will always have the latest knowledge about any changes. The circulars can be found on www.suezcanal.gov.eg
Other Suez canal related enquiries?
Our 24/7 dedicated Suez Canal Transit Desk can answer any of your Suez Canal enquiries. Operators from any location in the world can get assistance on toll calculations, rebate applications, latest weather updates, delay updates, canal maintenance, new SCA regulations or any restrictions that can potentially affect your vessel’s transit in any way.
Disclaimer: These rebates are provided by Suez Canal Authority and have been provided as public information on their website. While we endeavour to compile this list of rebates for your convenience, We will not, under any circumstance, be liable in any way for any Content, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in any material or content, or any loss or damage of any kind that you incur as a result of your use of, or your acting in reliance on, any material or content posted, e-mailed, transmitted, or otherwise made available in this list.