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We found 3 search results for "Chinese Ports"

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  • Wilhelmsen insights |
    800 x 450 China Hunger

    China: Hunger for Cleaner Energy

    has driven up the production of natural gas vehicles in the past 2 years. There has been an estimated 200,000 LNG power trucks on Chinese roads in 2018, up from 96,000 in 2016. According to a study undertaken in 2016 by the Shenzhen’s clean energy transportation

  • Wilhelmsen insights |
    800x450 trade wars 2

    Trade Wars, US –vs- China: What does it mean for LNG

    with Russia, Australia and Qatar for market share in China, the world’s biggest gas buyer. Throughout 2017, US officials were courting Chinese companies to invest in new export projects.   The tariffs imposed by both countries signal how much pain the two presidents

  • Wilhelmsen insights |
    800x450 FSRU headline

    FSRUs: Not a passing phase anymore!

    is poised to continue as that basin has the largest gains in both supply and demand when measured by region. Continued growth in Chinese and Indian demand, as well as Australian production, will cement the importance of this trade route. Trade between the