Last updated: 12/06/2024 15:04:47
Product Code
- Product group:
- 653
- Product number:
- 907004
7330 is a broad spectrum, non oxidizing biocide approved for used in closed loop cooling systems
Product information
Bacteria are the cause of many corrosion problems, as while they grow, they produce a variety of acids and in some cases slimy layers on metal surfaces which results in reduced heat transfer and corrosion in bearings. Nitrites, Phosphates and emulsifying oils are good nutrient media for bacteria. Nalco 7330 is an effective nonoxidizing biocide to control bacteria.
- Broad spectrum non oxidizing biocide
Broad spectrum non oxidizing bioicde for cloised loop cooling water.
This bundle contains:
Invent Hazard Material (IMO/EU) classification | C-7 |
Physical properties
Appearance | Clear, Colorless to light green - yellow |
Density [g/ml] | 1.03 |
Form | Liquid |
pH | 2 - 5 |
Technical data
Solubility in water | Totally soluble |
Directions for use
Closed cooling water circuits Especially when berthing for a longer period in harbours in warmer climates, the risk of microorganism growth of the closed loop cooling water systems is considerable. When this happens, acids are formed and at the same time, the nitrite based corrosion inhibitors present in the system will be eaten away by the bacteria resulting in underdeposit corrosion. Regular testing for the presence of bacteria in the cooling water by the use of "dip slides" is therefore strongly recommended. Initial dosage is 0.1 liter/ton is recommended. For heavily fouled system, dosage between 0.2 and 0.9 litres/ton is recommended. Nalco 7330 should be added to the contaminated systems as quickly as possible . The system should be circulated for three days after which the complete contents of the cooling system is dumped. The system should also be thoroughly flushed with fresh water prior to refilling the system with (distilled) water and initial dosage of corrosion inhibitor to establish corrosion protection. The choice of inhibitor include, nitrite based inhibitors (Rocor NB Liquid, EWT 9-108, Nalfleet 2000), or organic based inhibitor ( Cooltreat AL or Cooltreat ELC) can be used for initial fill and should follow the individual product application guideline. It is recommended to re-test for the presence of bacteria after the system has been in operation for 24 hours. The described procedure is to be repeated if necessary. For heavily contaminated systems and systems contaminated with scale/oil, it is recommended to acid clean and/or degrease the system prior to disinfecting
Caution: During disinfecting, evaporators and other equipment which use cooling water and which are used in connection with the production of drinking water are not to be used.