Last updated: 10/11/2023 02:00:32
Product Code
- Product group:
- 661
- Product number:
- 777080

ECOSCAN pH Meter and pH probe with BNC Connector Compact, portable meter for testing boiler water, condensate water and engine cooling water

Product information
This product supersedes product no: 6006389
ECOSCAN pH 6+ offer you the greatest value-for-money for your basic pH measurement needs. Rugged and user-friendly, these no-frill meters come with protective IP54 rubber boots for protection against harsh field elements
Test Parameter: pH Measuring range: 0.00 to 14.00 pH
Supplied with: pH 6+ pH/mV Meter with Single Junction pH Electrode ECFC7252101B ATC Electrode ECPH5TEM01P pH Carrying Kit Set (Includes 1 x pH 4.01, pH 7.00 Buffer Solutions, Storage Solution & 1 x Deionised (Rinse) Water (60 ml Each))
- High pH accuracy of ±0.01
- 3-point push-button calibration with auto-buffer recognition
- Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC)
- Self-diagnostic messages available
- Accurate and reliable reading with pH probe
- Quick, easy calibration with Auto-Buffer Recognition - choice of USA, NIST or pure water buffer standards
- ATC to provide highest temperature accuracy under fluctuating temperatures
- Easy trouble shooting with diagnostic functions
Invent Hazard Material (IMO/EU) classification | D-1 |