2017 - Melissa Hough and Adrian Angelico

Melissa Hough and Adrian Angelico were the ninth recipients of the Tom Wilhelmsen Foundation Opera and Ballet Prize.

Melissa Hough

The jury based their decision on your role as one of the National Ballet’s foremost and most versatile dancers. The broad experience and knowledge you have attained as a performing dancer at the highest level, has given you a particularly good basis for when you yourself wish to choreograph, and create your own works. In the autumn of 2016, you took an initiative that gained attention. You choreographed and produced an hour-long work; “Preludes and Shadows” for which you engaged two musicians and eight dancers from your own company. You managed to finance your idea yourself, by collecting money so that the project could be realised. With this prize, the jury wishes to give you the opportunity to further develop your potential and talent as a choreographer.



Adrian Angelico

The jury based your award on your strong awareness, and engaging
interpretation of a number of roles, roles that demand great emotional identification and a clear ability to translate these feelings into convincing portrayals. No matter how intricate a character you are challenged with, you distinguish yourself with a particularly noble and elegant voice.  Your voice has a personal and stunningly beautiful, brilliant timbre.  The musical message is delivered out fervently and with great musicality.  The jury agree that you are a singer which has all the qualities needed to establish an important international carrier.